Eating Healthy or Working Out: Which Should You Spend More Time On?

When trying to figure out if you should focus on eating healthy or working out, you need to ask yourself about your goals. If your goals include losing weight or preventing certain diseases, put healthy eating at the top of your list. When gaining strength, improving energy levels or perking your mood are important, concentrate on working out.
Losing Weight
You have no doubt heard of the adage that you cannot out-exercise a bad diet. This is true when your mission it to lose weight. Cutting calories from your diet is easier than ramping up your exercise to accomplish the same deficit. You need a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories per week to lose one pound. This equates to cutting out 500 calories of food each day. Think of all the exercising you would need to do in order to get that same deficit. Find little ways to cut a few calories here and there. Begin by lowering portion sizes, reducing the amount of extra fats you use on your foods and avoiding sugary drinks. Substitute unhealthy candies and cookies for small pieces of fruits, and load up on the vegetables to keep you full.
Preventing Disease
If you are worried about preventing certain diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and most cancers, focus on healthy eating. Foods with high levels of sugar, cholesterol and unhealthy fats have a tendency to lead to these diseases. By following a diet rich in whole grains, lean meats, good fats and plenty of fruits and vegetables, you lower your risk. Increase your omega-3 fatty acids, in particular, to lower your chance of heart disease.
Gaining Strength
Whether you are a body builder or just want to add lean muscle to your figure, adding strength training exercises ensures you see a change in your body. When you strength train, you burn more calories, leading to weight loss. Your body also enjoys muscle because it decreases your risk of osteoporosis, reduces blood pressure, improves your balance and stability along with allowing you to do life's daily activities easier.
Improving Energy Levels
People complain that they do not have enough energy to exercise, when in actuality, working out gives you more energy. Those who workout regularly have more energy to continue to workout. While you exercise, your brain emits neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which make you want to keep moving.
Perking Up Your Mood
When you are feeling depressed, angry, annoyed or stressed out, even a 20-minute workout can elevate your mood for up to 12 hours. Endorphins kick in while you are raising your heart rate, and the changes in your brain during exercise strengthen your ability to deal with difficult situations. Workout out also makes you feel better about yourself, giving you a euphoric feeling similar to that of morphine but without the side effects or unhealthy ability to become addicted to a drug.
When deciding whether to eat healthy or workout, keep in mind what you want to accomplish. If you would like to just become a healthier person, focus on both eating healthy and working out to get the best of both worlds. You will not be disappointed.
Peter Wendt is a health blogger living in Austin, Texas. He is often asked which to focus on more, diet or exercise? For more information on health, he suggests visiting

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