21 Days To Permanent Weight Loss

Usually, when people think of the word 'habit', they often think that it took a very long time to develop the habit. Some even think that you have to be doing something for months before it becomes a habit. This is not true. In fact, you only have to keep doing the same thing for a relatively short period of time for it to become routine. Just how short? In as little as 21 days, you can develop a new habit or break an old one. That's right-regardless of how long you have had your old habit-you can eliminate it or replace it with a new one in as little as three full weeks. Follow the guide below to help you use the '21 day' rule to your advantage in your own personal Battle Against The Bulge.
Do the same thing for 21 days and it turns into a habit
We have more power than we let ourselves think. The truth is any human can be divided into two parts-the mind and the body. The mind is always in control of the body. Since the mind is the software and body is the hardware, if we want the body to achieve something, all we need to do is change the software-change our mind. This is the secret to the 21 day habit-you need to change your mind about doing something. If you changed your mind, and you end up doing the activity you were earlier avoiding for one day, you just need to keep doing it for 20 more straight days. By then, you would have developed a habit, and your new activity will have taken on a life of its own. You will be 'coasting' since then since your body will be putting up less of a resistance.
What to when you stumble
No one is perfect. Even if you have successfully started on your 21 day habit or even completed several 21 day cycles, the time will come when you won't feel like doing that habit that day. What happens then? Nothing. The worst you can do is get depressed and feel defeated. Don't discourage yourself by giving in to these emotions. Just feel their sting and use that as a reminder that you have started on something worthwhile and good. Reset your clock to the first day you begin your 21 day habit all over again. The pattern is stumble - learn - restart. Life is like that-you sometimes get knocked down. You just have to remember that you always have the choice to stand back up or lay on the ground for good.
How to keep it going!
The hardest part of the 21 day habit is to get going. You have the forces of inertia going against you at that point of your weight loss efforts The good news is that while inertia means things that are not in motion tend to remain motionless, the reverse is also true-things that are already going tend to remain going. So if you are feeling a little less motivated one day and tempted to stop in the middle of your 21 day cycle, always think back to when you started and how hard it was and celebrate the fact that you are now able to do your routine every day. Focus on that and get the mental push you need to keep going. Eventually, once you keep completing 21 day cycles, you would not want to stop.
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Bill and Joan Loganeski have discovered a meal replacement you can make at home for very little money and when combined with our Saturday Morning Diet plan it will help you lose the weight. The Saturday Morning Diet channel is our educational and information channel to help you use lose weight in a healthy way.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7925587


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