3 Reasons Why Fasting Will Not Help You Lose Weight

Most people want to lose weight fast. They believe that achieving that dream figure that they want could be achieved in just a couple of weeks however, this kind of thinking is completely wrong. With this, a lot of people have put themselves into very strict diet regimen that require them to fast and lessen their usual food intake.
Well, fasting is not the answer to your weight problem. Fasting could lead to various factors that could even make your entire weight loss journey more difficult. Here are just a few reasons.
1. You'll even eat more
Let's just say that you decided to skip breakfast just because you wanted to cut down on your food intake. What basically happens is that, you put your body in a state where it craves for food. With this, you'll actually eat more during lunch without you knowing it simply because your body subconsciously tells you to eat more to make up for missing breakfast.
2. It could lead to depression
A lot of people who fast, usually end up eating more because they feel that their sacrificing a lot then goes into self pity. Depression then follows and what better way to get over depression than comfort food such as chocolate cake and ice cream.
3. You become weaker
Any weight loss program that puts your body at risk is not a good weight loss program at all. Fasting deprives your body from the important nutrients for its vital functions. Without those essential nutrients your body will become weaker and you will begin to experience symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, muscle loss and memory loss. Aside from that, you will also become immunosuppressed.
There are no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight. It requires a huge amount of time and effort from your end. Fasting is not the fastest way to lose weight. There are tons of programs out there that force you to starve yourself to death. The moment that you stumble upon them, run away. There isn't something good that happens if you fast. Most of the time it will only lead to a lot frustrations because you sacrificed a lot yet you weren't able to get the results that you've always wanted. If you need to boost the speed of your weight loss journey a little more, then I suggest that you try using weight loss supplements. However, I urge you not to become so dependent on them. Weight loss supplements are there to basically provide more energy for you and at the same time improve your metabolism in order to get rid of fats more effectively.
Johnathan Higdon is a health and wellness blogger. He writes reviews on various weight loss supplements and weight loss programs.
If you need more information on using weight loss supplements, feel free to visit http://www.ChoiceNutritionSupplements.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8077346


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