Get That Body Moving Again and You Will Get In Shape

So you decided that your number one goal is to get in shape and lose weight. This particular goal is made by millions of American adults every year, unfortunately like many New Year's resolutions, a very small percentage of these people actually accomplish this goal.
One of the main reasons why so many people are unsuccessful with the weight loss process is the fact that certain changes must be made to the way life is lived. In other words creating new habits and routines to guide a person through each day.
If you are ready to make this change in order to meet your weight loss goal and are willing to stick with it, then this could be one of the most important decisions you make for your life.
You Will Get In Shape When You Regularly Get That Body Moving AND Eat In A Healthy Manner
It's crucial that you first develop healthy eating habits since 70% of the weight loss process is related to your nutrition. Don't underestimate the importance of eating in a healthy manner. When you take a moment to truly analyze your current eating habits and patterns, you may be surprised at the amount of unhealthy items that make their way into your body on a regular basis.
For the sake of staying focused on topic for this article, let's look at the exercise component of the weight loss process to help you get in shape and rid the body of excess calories.
*Important: Before you begin any type of exercise, particularly if you have not worked out in a long time, check with your doctor so he/she can determine if you are fit for regular physical activity.
Looking at the workout portion of the weight loss process, try not to think of this as a punishment for being overweight or out of shape. This is not how exercise should be viewed. Exercise should be fun and entertaining for you. This is a time where you get to "let off steam", de-stress, and give your body a chance to strengthen up. This is why it's important that you enjoy the exercises(s), activities, or sports you decide to start doing.
If you find yourself with feelings of boredom or irritation, then naturally your exercise efforts will be short-lived. In other words, if you can't stand running on a treadmill or lifting weights, don't do that because you will just become tired of it if you really don't enjoy that type of workout in the first place.
Therefore take a moment to think about what you're really interested in doing. This could be the perfect opportunity to learn a new sport or activity you've always wanted to do, but never took the time to properly learn.
There are literally hundreds of possibilities to consider choosing such as: rollerblading, hiking, biking (street or mountain), surfing, kayaking, paddleboarding, kite surfing, basketball, tennis, soccer, softball/baseball, bowling, golf, skiiing, snowboarding, Zumba, swimming, karate, judo, kickboxing, and the list goes on and on.
Just be aware that the sport or activity you elect to do may require you to get proper instruction from a qualified teacher so that correct technique is learned to help prevent any serious injury.
For example if you wanted to learn how to rock climb, it is definitely not recommended to go purchase the equipment and simply go out and try to climb a 200 foot rock wall. For one, you most likely do not possess the strength to make it half way up that wall. Secondly, the variety of knots and techniques required to do this activity safely is most likely unknown to you.
However this is an ideal situation where classes or small group instruction can help not only learn how to do the activity in a proper manner, but you also will have a set schedule to keep you focused on a regular workout routine. You may find that once you get into this new habit of taking classes, this new routine will help keep you focused on developing a healthy life.
Maybe you've always wanted to learn how to play tennis. You might find classes at your local parks and recreation, community center, YMCA, local college campus, or even online through Craigslist or Meetup. Classes might be twice a week for a couple hours per session which means you will have a structured opportunity to learn/practice tennis to help you stay focused on a regular exercise routine. Additionally, while you are learning all the proper forms and swings in order to thoroughly enjoy the sport of tennis you will be getting a regular workout which is the main purpose of this.
Get In Shape By Regularly Getting That Body Moving and You Will Lose That Weight
Naturally there will be a learning curve that you must overcome to become proficient enough where you you will be able to play on your own, however after a couple months of consistent work you will soon find yourself getting better and better. The learning curve will be behind you can then simply enjoy the sport of tennis and play it as regularly as you'd like.
This progression will be similar with any new activity or sport you take up. There will be that slight awkward period as your body gets used to the new movements and your muscles strengthen. However once you cross the point where you've had ample instructional opportunities a few months down the road, you'll notice the activity/sport becoming much more enjoyable. That is when you will really take off full steam ahead with your new found get in shape exercise.
Remember, exercise does not need to be confined to a gym or on a treadmill. For some people that just doesn't work for long term regularity. Hopefully this article has helped inspire you to take up a new sport or activity as you focus on your weight loss goal and mission to get in shape. Find out what will inspire and motivate you to want to exercise regularly and you will take a giant step forward towards accomplishing this goal. All that will be left is to put your plan into action!
Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, an elementary school teacher for 13 years, now on a mission to develop a healthy life, lose weight, and finally get in shape. Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and healthy eating. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with FREE Healthy Eating Ebook just for stopping by at

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