Exercise your abdominal muscles

Exercise your abdominal muscles
Exercise helps to tighten the abdominal muscles
The existence of tuck in the lower region of the abdomen of the most common problems faced by people living with Erh, especially after the revelation of the rumen, which is a burden and a big problem for many women who are fitness first Helmhen and the latter .. So you can by following exercises to get taut belly without any tuck.
Exercise of the lower area of ​​the abdomen
- Sleeping on the back with knees bent and feet touching the ground.
- Put your fingertips under the lower buttocks area and begin pulling the stomach until you feel your lower back pressure on your fingers.
- Stay in this position for 20 seconds.
To exercise the muscles of both sides of the middle
- Sleeping on the back with your knees bent at a distance from the sitz so that you can not put the entire foot flat on the ground.
- Reverse arms over the chest, taking into account a small gap under the lower back area.
- Abdominal constriction with Askew move even moving the left side of the rib cage to the right side of the trunk with the direction of the knees to the left.
- Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for the trunk with the direction of the knees to the left.
- Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
- Move the right rib cage in the direction of the left side of the trunk and the direction of the knees to the right, repeat the exercise 8 times in each direction.
Exercise of the lower area of ​​the abdomen, "anterior muscle group"
- Sleeping on the back and put your arms over the head with constant constipation something like the legs of a bed or couch.
- Bend your knees on the chest while keeping the torso and pelvis on the ground.
- Tummy tuck so approaching knees from the chest and then return to the starting position.
- Make sure that the movement comes from tightening the abdominal muscles and is not likely legs, repeat the exercise 8 times or more.
Exercise for a full abdominal muscles
- Beginning to lift the body up to put build on the elbows, taking into account be directly below the shoulders.
- Lifting up by the forearms and toes parties so that the entire body away from the floor and abdominal liposuction backbones hand while keeping the body trunk Vda without falling down.
- To maintain this situation 30 seconds, or as long as possible.
Get the best fitness tips Tips
An abdominal exercise routine can help you develop a strong stomach strengthening stomach muscles tone. Although you may be tempted to handle a lot of crunches or sit every day in an effort to work these muscles, there is much more to explore before diving into a regular. Note the different muscles involved teams, how often should you exercise and what exercises you have to finish to develop a strong set of abs.
Muscles Involved
A routine physical exercise well balanced as abdominal exercises for each of your abdominal muscles. Although you might think that the abdominal muscles are right in front of your stomach, also found on the sides of your abdomen. There are two unique groups of muscles that run along the front of the stomach and transverse abdominis rectus abdominis. The obliques are on your side, the location is often described as "love. Exercises that involve grinding movements such as crunches, reverse crunches and flutter target moves to the front of your abdomen. Exercises bending and twisting movements such as cycling, mason twist and side bends target your obliques.
Heating and Cooling
The heating and recovery are very important before exercise routines. Warming up will help you prepare your abdominal muscles to exercise, while the cooling helps your body to make a smooth change task to rest. Together, these two tasks can prevent injuries and muscle tenderness. The warm up should last at least five minutes and involves moderate activity light that compromises your waist. Try jumps, high knees, running in place or jumping rope. Stretch the muscles of the stomach after doing the activity light. This dog is a precious stomach stretch, lie face down, place your hands under your shoulders, arms to align the upper body on the floor and hold the position for 20 seconds or more. During the cooling phase, move slowly until your heart rate and breathing slows back to a normal rhythm. At this point, tighten the stomach muscles to help recover from training.
Types of exercises
Abdominal exercises can be done using your own body weight, weights or running with a weighted average exercise machine that is usually found in a wellness center. With bodyweight exercises, based on your own body weight and resistance to strengthen your stomach muscles. Body weight exercises also can be finished ay home or in the gym. Free weights and machines Weighted let you enhance the weights when the muscles gain strength and endurance.
The hardening of the belly is a bodyweight exercise lying on your back with your arms behind your head and your feet flat on the floor behind your buttocks. Tighten your stomach muscles and use these muscles to lift your upper body off the floor, then pulled back down. The team is a weighted abdominal crunch machine for stomach muscles. Sit on the padded seat, place your feet behind the ankle pads and get the handle with your hands. Make a motion to tighten by pulling the handle toward the feet, while also pulling your knees to your elbows.
You can exercise your abs 3-4 times a week, as long as you allow me time for your muscles to rest and adequate reparation. You must enable at least 2 days, or 48 hours of rest between the two regimes. When the muscles relax, recover and repair small cracks task in muscle fibers, allowing them to grow.
Sets and Reps
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, bodybuilding training must love at least 8-12 repetitions of 8-10 years. Because your abdominal muscles consist of three muscle groups, can perform more exercises in your routine. An attempt was made two to four exercises for each muscle group. The last three repeatings for each exercise should feel extremely difficult, but possible. If you can easily finish 12 reps without a fight, you should increase the weight you use or evidence of a hard workout.
I have a confession. I really do not practice. This is my little secret, and it was actually a specialist in the gym for 15 years! Training becomes monotonous, it is a job, and often hurts.
My mother often complicated I be a couch potato secret despite my energetic lifestyle inevitably. I love being at home, watch movies, check forms, write and draw for hours.
But here's the thing: When I'm not working, I get depressed, chubby, and tired. My back also receives sensible indeed to make the neck and shoulders. So, clearly, there are great benefits to work despite my dislike for her.
If I enter a model blew my training due to the long list of excuses, I can easily compose, it becomes even more difficult to get back into the groove of things.
Suddenly, my back pain, I'm exhausted, my stomach becomes soft, and I think: If I work, I'm going to hurt me, or I'm too tired to exercise, or I'm too busy to exercise. I'm too fat to work (always a good thing), or exercise will not help you lose that belly or thighs thin. I have to go on a diet!
Upon entering these depressions I made weight, out of shape, hurt myself, and I feel little confidence. The good news is that I have enough experience to have developed a number of devices that help me (and my clients) of these grooves.
Baby Steps
Many people have started and stopped workouts training due to exhaustion. Enthusiastic jump in a program to be burned only outside (or in the worst case, injured). If this is indeed never happened to you, it will be difficult to start again because it exacerbates things never fun or sustainable.
If you think too much about the huge amount of training you want to invest, you will be much less likely to start.
Instead, start small. Instead of participating in a walk of 20 minutes, start with 10. In contrast to devote each day, start with two or three days a week. Unlike pledge to raise 10 pounds, start 5 or 8 pounds or the option of training a little easier until you get stronger.
At first, according to the performance of less, but they do not agree with anything. Happy to be in your body get.
Make a clear objective
Take a goal to pursue. This can be beach body ready to get in shape or for a single event, or race. If you have a deadline, then it can not be doubted, or will not meet its deadline.
Format takes some time, and running makes you vulnerable to injury, and quite possibly disappointed by the lack of results. Get very clear about exactly what your goal (make measurable and specific).
Once you finish, look to your routine. Is the clutter in your calendar or in your life that make it impossible to meet this goal?
Focusing on too many projects or things that you often do not meet any or all the things on your plate. Instead, simplify your life so you can support and focus on their brand new goals.
Write down all the things that can interfere with completing your goal. Get rid of things that are under their control. For example, in planning your exercise routine. Or communicate with people in your life that you can redirect the year (for example, your children and your spouse).
Read the success stories of others, use a physical education teacher or coach, join a class you want, follow someone who motivates you as an example for the design of your routine, and check visual wing blogs on the subject.
Think about what it takes to work out and write. Go to work and be influenced by how you feel very well.
Mentally rehearse
Professional athletes, who are artists, speakers and businessmen often psychologically practice efficiency and success in order to help them achieve their goals. Mental Rehearsal can not only help you achieve excellence, which can help you get out of the routine.
Mental practice do it yourself ready to exercise and work, and enjoy. Repeat this day, and will soon become an avid sportsman, as you practice.
Create a plan
Imagine this: you believe that today is the day to go to work! You get to the fitness center, look, and ask you where to even begin. You may not really feel like I had a good workout, or are unsure of doing things that will give you the results you want.
The program design is not complexed, but is very important. This is where it helps to have a plan. Let's say you choose, you want to start running, but not before running. When doing research. Examine skills running, runners avoid injuries and program design to run five kilometers or relying on fat burning. They not only help you create a plan that will motivate you and give you food for repeat psychologically.
Or maybe you decide you want to be more agile and silent. Then not finding the variety of options for speed and coverage. This can be yoga, Pilates or Gyrotonic. Once you choose the method can review more about the results of this method of relaxation, and the best way to integrate them into your life.
Perhaps you want to improve your position if you stand a lot better and feel better. Reserve a few sessions with a trainer who can help you learn what the training will improve your posture, or enroll in a course of Alexander's strategy. Research training to improve the installation and try some new exercises.
When I am exercising, I think the benefits of exercise. I love how training makes me look and feel. My pants are loose, my legs are thinner and more, and often are rewarded with praise bidding.
But it's also good to just enjoy going out and doing focus. It could be a bubble bath or a new series of running shoes or song. Whatever the reward, choose exactly what we intend to do at times, and if you go there, give something good.
Recognize your results
It may seem silly, but take before and after pictures is really amazing to many people. Strive to change your body and see the results is a wonderful feeling. View photos on Facebook or with your friends. If this seems too much, send them to the person who supports you in all your efforts (perhaps his coach, his relative or friend).
Sometimes we do not see any major changes this year, but we really feel! Feel free to inform others about it. "Hey, I got to walk outdoors every day, and this is the first winter season, I went through the year without feeling anything." Or, "You know, I hit a Pilates class, and I feel very well these days. My breathing and posture really changed a lot!"
Exercise is always more difficult to start. As individuals come into better shape, usually begin to appreciate more. Getting started can be difficult, and could not be love, but offers the benefits of exercise is much more enjoyable it does not move and suffering for it. I do not know about you but I am already running shoes myself....


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