Secret Green Tea in Weight Loss

Secret Green Tea in Weight Loss
Now most of us know the benefits of tea, especially green herbs, but experts still argue and recall that there are several reasons should make us more inclined to enjoy drinking more than a cup of tea per day, besides its flavor and smell fragrant and soothing a lot of times after a long day of work hard work, all the reasons for addressing mood and senses, there are many health benefits, among them ten days:
Tea contains a high proportion of antioxidants, which protect the body in general, and especially the skin, from the march of time and the effects of pollution.
Does not contain any calories, but if you were to add sugar or honey to it. Each Tracker system in order to slimming diet knows that to lose 250 calories a day means to lose kilos during the nearly two weeks, and here comes the role of tea between meals.
Speeds up the metabolism and cell renewal, many people complain of slow their metabolism, which makes loss process of their weight difficult. This has been confirmed that green tea can help burn 70 to 80 calories, just eat five cups of green tea a day.
Contains a much lower percentage of caffeine than coffee, so if you drink coffee cause you some stress, headaches, or affects your sleep, or just did not agree with your stomach, it is time to replace them with tea.
Reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks, as it cleans the arteries and intestines. Was confirmed by a study conducted in the Netherlands about five years ago, that the proportion of exposure to serious heart attack less than 70% among those who drink black tea every day than those who do not eat.
Protects bones, do not mean here the British tea which is added to milk, the fact that the latter is available calcium. The study reported on a wide slice half of drinking tea, and the other half do not drink it, that those who drink it for a period of ten years or more regularly with strong bones, even when they grow older.
Gives a sweet smile and beautiful, is the belief that affects the teeth negatively, the danger lies not in it, but in the amount of sugar added to it, and the tea itself contains fluoride, materials that could avert cavities, of course, as well as brushing your teeth well every day .
Strengthens the immune system and helps the body to fight pollution. According to a study conducted on 21 volunteers, half of whom chose to drink at least five cups of tea, and the second half of coffee for four weeks, the result was impressive, which shows that the immune system is stronger among that group drink tea regularly.
Protects against cancer thanks to antioxidants in it, and despite the fact that the results of female students in this area is not conclusive, but that never dealt with does not hurt.

Helps to hydrate the body is subjected to drought.
What are the best types of tea: green, black or with milk?
- Experts argue that it is not a little difference, because all types contain the same proportion of Alflavonid, green and black tea Istkhalassan from the same plant, but the only difference lies in the fact that green tea is dried for less are not subject to the process of fermentation, which is subject to its black tea.
Have you ever heard of the techniques of green tea weight loss? Do you know the secrets of weight loss green tea that nobody knows?

Of all the different weight loss methods which have been found to work best are those that can be easily integrated into your daily life. You will find that these weight loss techniques are those that cause the least difficulty or pain and certainly are techniques that help achieve the desired results.

Everywhere you turn, a new weight loss program promises heaven and earth, and you will find that all thier promises contsin nothing but hot air. Such is the case with many weight loss programs and diets of people rely on today, so a lesson "painful" to learn not believe everything you hear when s "losse weight These programs always" no pain "and Diet.

This is where weight loss techniques and secrets of green tea come in.

A secret that many people do not realize is that green tea has been around for over five thousand years. It was discovered in China and many of its beneficial medicinal properties, including help with weight loss became apparent.

Secret number two is that green tea helps digestion, has benefited from the nervous system and contains essential antioxidants.

Third secret! Did you know that green tea helps increase the heat of your body to burn fat and release excess calories. This accelerates metabolism and improves weight loss.

fourth secret weight loss of green tea and the removal of the accumulation of lipids, prevent fat cells from multiplying. This inhibits fat absorption resulting in a reduction in body fat.

How do you do that, you may ask, there are several substances found in green tea that is responsible for these amazing effects on our bodies, including:

Caffeine: The optimal amount of caffeine in green tea speeds up the metabolism rate of the body to burn more calories. The effect is rapid weight loss and fast.

EGCG: A compound also known as epigallochatechin gallate acts to suppress appetite and causes the release of norepinephrine.

AR25: This is also known as Exolise and contributes significantly to the treatment of obesity by direct inhibition of gastric and pancreatic lipase enzymes which are mainly responsible for the accumulation of fat in the body.

Catechins: These are substances found in green tea can help you lose weight and prevent obesity by inhibiting the movement of glucose in fat cells. It also reduces sugar and cholesterol levels, which is great for people with diabetes and heart disease.

Green tea also contains vitamin B, vitamin C and thiamin. provide brain cells with enough energy to meet your metabolic needs.

These are exact properties above is responsible for the effect of green tea weight loss.

What types of green tea are effective for weight loss that you may ask? Common examples include Tava tea, chai, and Kou Moringa tea. The levels at which each contributes to weight loss may vary, but the proper reseach and guide reveal subtle differences, which may then be appropriate for you.

Having said all that, the last secrets of green tea weight loss is the reduction of what you eat in terms of fat, carbohydrates and also incorporate some form of exercise to your weight loss commitment. The big secret is that the use of green tea to make these small changes useful and helps to achieve spectacular results.

Note that weight loss is green tea a day. Take a little time to start seeing the desired results. But undoubtedly, green tea's ability to burn fat is very important. This goes a long way to making green tea weight loss as an effective technique if


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