7 Easy Fat Loss Tips - For Women on the Go!

Are you trying to lose weight but finding it hard to fit diet and exercise into your busy schedule? Welcome to the club!
And though I do know what you´re up against, a tight schedule shouldn´t be a reason for missing out on the benefits a healthy weight loss plan - plus exercise - has to offer.
Believe it or not, with just a couple of simple changes, you really can eat a healthy diet and squeeze that extra dose of exercise into your busy lifestyle! Let me just share a few tips I´ve found to be useful over the years:
One: Fresh over Fat
One easy, surefire way to lose weight while you´re on the go, is to simply change what you eat, while you´re out and about.
Instead of reaching for that double cheeseburger at your favorite fast food hangout or dipping into a bag of oily, salty chips, try to think "bright, colorful - fresh"!
Grab a handful of carrots, an apple, a pear, a banana, or any other kind of fruit and vegetables you like instead. Doing this not only makes it easier to lose weight, it´s also a great way to improve your overall health.
Bonus tip: Keep an eye on those condiments. I know, I know - I love ketchup, too. But there are a lot of hidden calories in that tangy, red sauce... so beware of adding it to everything in sight. And keep an eye on that mayonnaise while you´re at it!
Carefully monitoring the amount of condiments you eat can really help you cut down on a lot of calories you don´t need!
Two: Eat "in" for Lunch
Instead of going out for lunch at work, consider brown-bagging it! Aside from being a much healthier alternative, it´ll also save you time and money.
Then use the time you´ve saved to go for a walk. If the weather´s nice you might want to go out for a brisk walk around the block. If not, try putting your office building´s stairs to good use.
Note: Did you know climbing stairs burns as many calories as running? Without the stress and strain on your joints!
Three: A Habit Worth Cultivating
Do you rush to grab the elevator after work or at your apartment complex without thinking about it? That´s really a missed opportunity!
Instead of shoving your way into an overcrowded elevator or waiting around until the next one comes, why not take the stairs?
That one little change alone will have you noticing a big shift in how you look and feel over time. And once you get in the habit of using the stairs at work or at home, you´re sure to start seeing lots of other opportunities to use them when you´re out and about.
Four: Go Ahead. Fidget!
Did you know fidgeting is a form of exercise? People who can´t sit still are seldom overweight - it´s the rest of us who like to get comfortable (and stay that way!) that wind up battling the bulge.
So, while you´re at work - even sitting at your desk - make it a point to move. Move your legs to keep them limber. Get up and walk around your office space every thirty minutes or so.
Not only will this help you burn a few calories, it´ll help prevent back problems. (We both know how hard slumping in an office chair all day can be on our backs.)
Five: Look for Possibilities
Still feeling bad about not being able to find time in your busy lifestyle for a real workout? Well, then, perhaps you should start looking for things in your day-to-day life that can count as a workout.
For example, if you have a lot of shopping to do, try parking further away from the store so you can squeeze in a nice, brisk walk. Or, if you don´t work too far away, consider walking or riding your bike to the office - your body and the environment will thank you!
At lunchtime, forget the car and walk to get your lunch. Join the kids for a game of badminton after dinner. Take an evening stroll with your husband.
The possibilities are endless - you just have to look for them.
Six: The Easiest Workout - Ever!
Did you know the average person takes thousands of steps each day? The problem is, we don´t think of that as exercise!
But if you're looking for a way to get more exercise without having to rearrange your schedule, then the easiest way to do it is to simply try and double the number of steps you take in a day.
Purchase a pedometer and track the steps you take on an average day. After you have that number, try to double it. Even if you can't, you'll certainly be moving in the right direction!
Seven: Metabolism Booster #1
Every health magazine, TV show, advertisement and weight loss professional says the same thing about water.
You should be drinking more of it!
Water is the most natural fluid there is. In fact, our bodies are made up of about 70 percent water and need it to function properly. If you want your metabolism to do its job you´ll need to make sure your body gets the water it needs on a regular basis.
So, skip the sodas and try to get in 8 glasses of water a day instead. Sodas are full of sugar and calories. Exactly what you don´t need when your goal is a nice, slim waistline.
If you really want to lose that fat, then don´t let your busy lifestyle slow you down. It might take a bit of re-thinking on your part, but if you stay on top of your diet and try to implement some of the changes you just read about, you´ll begin seeing - and feeling - the results before you know it!
The mother of 3 plus a husband, dog and cat, Kate is also what she likes to call a "fat loss survivor". She battled with her weight on and off for years before finally finding the answer she was looking for.
If you´re ready to stop looking and start losing, visit her website at FatLossSavvy.com where you can find smart fat loss tips & resources for the perfect you. Be sure to check out her boards on Pinterest as well.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7952618


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