Why You Are Not Able to Lose Weight?

Why you are not able to lose weight?
These are the 2 reasons:
  • Dieting
  • Exercise
You will say these reasons are the reasons for weight loss. Bear with me.
Let me ask you a simple question.
How are you going to lose weight?
May be you are thinking exercise is the path to your weight loss success.
To some extent your opinion is right.
Let me show you some statistics.
If you are to lose weight with dieting and hard work see the following statements:
To lose 10 pounds you will have to burn 35000 calories which means you should eat nothing for 2 weeks; if you are to lose weight by exercise than walk for 126 hours.
Now don't think I am minimizing the value of dieting or exercise.
I am suggesting a new path to weight loss. I am giving you a new idea. Believe me, most people don't know this and I want you to know it.
Now let's come back to the point.
Some people hate dieting. They will eat as much as they can. They are living for food.
On the opposite side I have watched many women on dieting.
They will avoid milk, meat, bakery items, butter, eggs and even fruits and vegetables.
These kind of dieting plans don't work. I want to suggest the same message to teenage girls too.
Teenage girls often make this mistake. To look smart and young they will leave their meals. They will say "No "to every dessert and chocolate.
On the subject of exercise, I believe exercise is valuable.If exercise is done with the right mindset it is beneficial. Most people do the exercise in terms of hard work and effort. That's why exercise doesn't work for them.
If you are doing exercise with stress and tension you will see no better results.
If you are not happy with your exercise routines than you should stop doing exercise.
You are in stress while you eat, while you exercise, while you go to church and perform your religious activities; you will not be able to lose weight. That's what i want to say to you.
Forgive me if i confused you. Sometimes simplicity makes things complicated.
4 steps
Before you write your weight loss goals I want to give you these 4 steps:
  • Don't try to lose weight
  • Love your self
  • Start with little
  • Have fun
Don't try to lose weight
I want to give you the psychological reason behind this statement.
If you lose something you want to have it back. I want to say "Don't lose weight", simply say to your self I want to release weight instead of losing it.
Release weight with ease.
Love your self
Say to your self "I love myself and I want to look more smart and beautiful. I want to release 10 pounds in the upcoming 6 weeks".
If you hate yourself how can you expect to do better?
Start with little
Start with little goal. Little goals are always good. They will give you a feeling of satisfaction. You will set a pattern of success for you.
You will be happy and inspired.
Have fun
You cannot stick to any health program if you are not enjoying it. Have fun while you do your exercise. Have fun while you eat your meal and drink water.
Love your self and feel good about your self. You are doing a great job. You decided to lose weight which means you are conscious about your self and you like improvements.
Don't forget to give yourself a chocolate treat after you release your 1st pound.
Thanks for reading!
I wish you success on your weight loss path.
I am a weight loss expert. For free weight loss guide, information and tips please visit my blog at http://www.Dieting1weightloss.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8017189


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