Desperate To Lose Weight? The Other Hormone You Should Know About!

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 36% of Americans are now considered obese and a 34% are considered overweight. Many of them are desperate to lose weight.
The Problem
Plenty of people tries their best in losing weight without any success, they try diet after diet, one exercise program after the other only to realize they haven't lost a pound, and even worse, when they see the scale, they only get frustrated to discover they have also gained weight.
That means that even if it's important controlling the amounts and the type of things you eat, there could be other hormonal related problems preventing you from losing weight.
Insulin Resistance
Several studies indicate that there could be a link between overweight/obesity and insulin resistance.
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that do two basic things:
1) It help you store blood sugar
2) It help you control (lower) your blood sugar levels
Why Is This Important?
If your blood sugar levels are to high, it can cause nerve damage and if it is to low your brain will not work properly. This imbalance in turn will make your body crave for more food, just because your body can't control your sugar levels.
This could be a very real problem if you are trying to lose weight. And this could be one of the reasons you are not losing the weight you want.
Try imagine insulin like a key that attaches to the cell walls of the different cells of your body, like your liver, muscular and fat cells.
This "key" unlockes the cells, letting the sugar in. Once the sugar levels are back to normal your insulin levels does the same locking the doors.
Now, imagine that your cells are like a bank account for holding sugar. If after a while your blood sugar levels are too low, your body will open the locks again and bring back all the sugar and release it into your cells, including your fat cells.
Cells are supposed to "listen" to insulin, controlling your sugar levels. But if this is not working, it takes much more insulin to get the job done causing a condition called insulin resistance.
This is relevant because insulin is also the fat storage hormone that could put your body into fat storage mode.
Desperate to lose weight?
Many of us could feel desperate and frustrated about not losing the weight we want. I think there is more to losing weight, therefore I encourage you to identify the underlying factors that may be affecting you're health, taking step by step.
That way you'll learn not only how to lose weight properly, but also how to maintain the weight you lose.
Before 2011 Alexander Palmer used to weigh 220 lbs. In 2011 he made the decision to make a change. He lost more than 50 lbs in 6 months without dieting. Desperate to lose weight? Get your Free Report today and discover 4 Steps to A Healthier and Slimmer You!

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