When It Comes To Fat Loss, How Many Balls Can You Juggle?

Well, if you´re a busy mom like me and you´ve got your eye on the "fat loss" ball, you may be wondering just how you´re supposed to find time to keep all those other balls up in the air as well. You know the ones I´m talking about: Health, Relationship, Super Mom, and Career.
So, how do you do it?
I get asked that question a lot. After all, I´ve got 3 kids (plus a husband, a dog and a cat!), run my own business from home and still manage to find time to eat healthy, workout regularly and spend time with my husband of nearly 20 years. Of course, there are people out there busier than I am but that doesn´t keep those age-old questions from popping up: How do you do it? And, more importantly, how can I?
The answer is simple, really: by making habits and creating routines. That said, I´ve found it´s the actual "doing" part that people run into trouble with!
But if you can manage to create a routine, by doing something over and over again, it will slowly become a habit. Something you just do. Without even having to think about it.
Here are some tips on how I do it. Tweak and modify them to fit your lifestyle and see if your "juggling" doesn´t begin to improve over time:
Tip #1: KISS - Keep It Super, Simple
When it comes to cooking for my family, I keep things super, simple. I never worry about what to cook for dinner because I have a (mental) list of healthy foods I like to make - and I make them often.
Even when things get a bit hectic, I make time to cook - and I always cook extra. That way I know I have lots of quick, tasty - healthy! - leftovers for lunch the next day. Since my kids all love turkey and chicken, I make a point of roasting a whole bird (one kind or the other) most weekends. This gives us a wonderful family dinner to look forward to and lots of lean meat for lunches the beginning of the next week.
Tip #2: Schedule It!
I don´t know about you, but I´m not a real big fan of grocery shopping. Still, I have found something I like about it... by working it into my busy schedule at the same time each week, I manage to go alone. And that´s the key to getting two things done at once! I can get the food we need for the next week and I get a bit of a breather from being constantly "on-call" at home. When mom´s at the grocery store - Dad´s in charge!
Tip #3: Always Keep Your Word (Especially to Yourself!)
Back when I first started battling with my weight, I made a commitment to myself that I would not just exercise, but exercise every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings - as soon as my feet hit the floor. No fudging. No procrastinating. No excuses. (I stole Nike´s motto: Just DO it! And made it my own.)
It wasn´t always easy - especially when the kids were young but it is doable. If you´re willing to be a "woman of your word" - even when you´re making the promises to yourself... I have to admit, having a really supportive husband didn´t hurt either.
Tip #4: Accept That "Wonder Woman" Is Only In Comic Books
Like me, maybe you grew up believing you could, would, had to do everything yourself. Truth is, we all need help at one time or another. And recognizing that fact alone was probably one of the most important lessons I ever managed to learn.
Even now that the kids are older - when I need help - I ask for it. Whether it´s with cooking, cleaning or making sure the kids get to their many after-school activities. When he can, my husband jumps in to help. Sometimes I swap a helping hand with my girlfriends or the moms of some of my kids´friends. Even the kids are big enough now to lend a hand when it´s needed.
Tip #5: Understand the Power of No - And Use It!
Okay, this is the last tip - learn how to say No! (and mean it!) When the kids were little and I decided I wanted to start my own business this is a lesson I had to learn fast - and it has definitely served me well. But your situation doesn´t really matter here. Everyone has the right to say no. As much as I love being generous with my time, I also know how important it is to take care of myself - after all, if you don´t keep that Health ball up in the air, how will you keep all the others from falling?
The mother of 3 plus a husband, dog and cat, Kate is also what she likes to call a "fat loss survivor". She battled with her weight on and off for years before finally finding the answer she was looking for.
If you´re ready to stop looking and start losing, visit her website at FatLossSavvy.com where you can find smart fat loss tips & resources for the perfect you. Be sure to join her on Pinterest as well.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7963458


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